
Showing posts from April, 2009

The Twitter Experiment - Bringing Twitter to the Classroom at UT Dallas

UT Dallas History Professor Dr. Monica Rankin, @monicarankin, wanted to know how she could reach and include more students in the class discussion. She had heard of Twitter... The following is a short video describing her " Twitter Experiment " in the classroom with comments from students about the pros and cons of Twitter in a traditional learning environment. I am Graduate student at UT Dallas pursuing a Masters in Emerging Media and Communication (EMAC) and collaborated with Dr. Rankin to see how Twitter might be used in her US History 2 class. This experiment was both exciting and a bit daunting... The video is one of my projects for a digital video class with Dean Terry, @therefore, and part of a class project in my content creation and collaboration class with Dan Langendorf, @dlangendorf. @kesmit3

An afternoon at CC Young - community arts with Ebby Halliday

This afternoon I attended an event at CC Young that featured community arts. Ebby Halliday attended and even played the Ukulele and sang a few songs. I was deeply impressed by her humor and radiant presence. She made a point of reminding me that she is 98 years old...three times! CC Young is a retirement community that rests overlooking Whiterock Lake. They are also beginning to look into the use of video games as a way to engage their residents in a range of activities that will help keep the mind young. More on that to come!

Jonathan Dotson - UT Dallas 2009

This is one of five pieces that Jonathan performed during the annual UT Dallas guitar competition. Guitarists traveled from all over to train with David Russell and compete.

Ben Pila - UT Dallas 2009

One of five pieces Ben played at the UT Dallas guitar competition. Excellent.

Vicious Pink - Centraltrak, UT Dallas Artist Residency

This Toy inspired a nanotech genius - really? YES!

How did this toy inspire nanotech? Well, you'll have to wait to find out... This clip is a classic on it's own. A true 'direct observation' clip... More nanotech clips to follow! I have 7 hours of interview footage with Dr. Baughman with more interviews to do. This piece is geared more towards him as a person and will be a summer project. Check back later for Nanotech updates! See how Professor Langendorf explores the toy to find its' mytical powers...