Adventure in China

I've been in China for almost 3 weeks studying Chinese in Beijing. The experience has been wonderful.

This is a photograph that I took last weekend at the Great Wall:

The air quality in Beijing is not as bad as what I expected. It was blue skies for the first few days here, but when the rain came through the air seemed thicker and a haze of fog made it seem a bit dreary.

Since the riots in N/W China Facebook and other popular tools for social networking have been blocked. There are ways around it, but for those accustomed to open-access it is an equally powerful cultural lesson. I will comment on this later as I have time to reflect on my experience.

I wake up every morning and watch CCTV 9. At 0730 they have a program called: Dialogue, which I find very interesting...

More to come. On to classes, now.


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