US Embassy in Beijing - an adventure

This is a photo of the US Embassy in Beijing...It looks something like
a Borg ship. I have to say that this was my first visit to a US
Embassy over seas and I was shocked to find that everyone working there was...Chinese. Umh?

No US Marines outside? Instead, Chinese military! Once you pass in
the gate there is a stream of people in line, VISAs I suppose?

It took 30 minutes to translate and get me to the right place only to
find out that I could have registered online. However, I am glad I
went there today because it is ALWAYS good to know where the embassy is.

So, they do not allow ANY electronics in the building. The guards had
a heck of a time with my Kindle. I told them: it's a book. They
said: electric box! You must leave it here! It made me giggle when I
caught the guards playing with the Kindle when I came back (I had to leave my stuff
with them). All-in-all today was exhausting, but so wonderful! I
discovered places I hand not yet been and the city is slowly opening
up. I look forward to the adventure!


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