The Anti-"Secret"

Barbara Ehrenreich recently appeared on John Stewart, and I felt it worthy of sharing.

The author shares her perspective on the American obsession with being 'positive' and also gives a critique of the New-Age hit The Secret.

John Stewart asks: If it works for someone isn't it ok? She said: "Delusion is never ok."

Does being obsessively positive, as she suggests, indicate an 'empathy deficit" in our culture?

She also attacks the industry of pink everywhere...and as for 'The Secret?' She believes that the rich boomers live in a 'bubble' completely disconnected from reality...

So, what does she suggest? Be grounded and be real. This sounds very...pragmatic, in the common use of the word, but not William James's Pragmatism. I think it would include...a bit of both?

What is an empathic deficit? And is this really part of the problem in America? In China it is almost an unspoken rule: do not mention health problems. So, what kind of empathy deficit is she talking about? She wants to be grumpy during her treatment...or at least feel the freedom not to let other's down. I wonder if other's feel this way too?


pootacracy said…
Thats a lot of table formatting!! :)
And being grounded is what keeps me safe
and dreaming is what keeps me moving forward and interested in life. A healthy bit of both is in order

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