Score! Chinese tutor and Veggie Bao all in one day!

Today my classmate, Nils, and I met at the University to study for class tomorrow. Yes, for those of you doing the math...we have class on a SUNDAY. (sighs)

Nonetheless, we were a bit of an attraction to our fellow classmates. Many people would stop, linger and then approach us wanting to know what we were studying and offered to help us with our Chinese practice.

One girl, TaoJing, was a particularly good match because she is Chinese and has been studying English for six years. She sat down with us at noon and after studying for almost 3 hours we left for some lunch and then had a nice chat over coffee. It works out well because about the time I become exhausted from questions, she has questions of her own, which are as elementary as what we are asking her. Elementary, yet absolutely critical. As you will see in the video when Nils trys to order another order of Bao and instead of saying 'you' it sounds like 'jio,' which causes the lady to giggle. THIS IS SO COMMON... us trying to speak and insighting giggles. :) So, Tao Jing will now be helping us as our schedules permit.
For those of you that heard about my other tutors...that is just going to have to wait until after the National holiday. So, stay tuned for updates on that.

We found a wonderful Bao place... Yummy. Nils is a vegetarian, which is fairly uncommon here. So, we found a great place for veggie bao right next to campus and conveniently located next to a coffee shop that serves excellent cappuccino's! So after filling our bellies with bao we moved next door for coffee and studying...

all-in-all, a wonderful day...


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